Save Your Lawn From Salt Damage

Here are the 5 best things you can do this winter to save your lawn from salt damage this Spring…
1. Use physical barriers: A buildup of rock salt on your lawn can cause severe damage. Physical barriers such as plastic, burlap or snow fencing can minimize salt spray and protect your lawn this winter.
2. Shovel early and shovel often: By removing fresh snow before it has a chance to freeze, you’ll reduce the amount of salt needed to keep your driveway free and clear. This will lower the likelihood of salt damage in the Spring.
3. Don’t concentrate the shoveled snow: Avoid shoveling all your snow into one single area this winter. Spreading it around will limit the amount of salt gathering on your lawn.
4. Use a salt alternative: Choose a de-icing agent that is safe for landscapes. Sand and cat litter are good options for adding traction to slippery surfaces.
5. Don’t over salt: When using rock salt, follow the recommended spreading rate on the bag. This will help to prevent excess salt from building up on your lawn or leaching into your soil, which could cause irreversible damage to your plants.